Your Guide To Mastering The Art Of Coffee Roasting

Coffee Roasting Made Simple Book

Learn how to turn coffee roasting into an accessible and easy-to-master craft with “Coffee Roasting Made Simple.”

Whether you’re starting on your first batch or mastering advanced techniques, this guide simplifies the process by providing clear steps and insider tips for achieving a perfect roast.

You can become a master of the art of coffee roasting and enjoy the journey from bean to brew. So, simplify the world of coffee roasting and get your copy now!

Coffee Roasting Made Simple, Coffee Roasting Book, Raimond Feil

“Coffee Roasting Made Simple” is a book about practical, hands-on coffee roasting.

This coffee roasting book covers the fundamental principles that govern the roasting process, including profile development, avoiding over- and under-roasting, understanding how different variables in roasting affect the final flavor of the cup, sample roasting, and transferring roast profile from one machine to another.

“Coffee Roasting Made Simple” provides you with all the tools necessary to successfully develop your own roasting profiles and edit the ones presented in the book. Using these tools can make you a better, smarter, and more consistent coffee roaster.

This book is a condensed collection of my 12 years of coffee roasting experience with Specialty Coffees in an easy-to-understand format.

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What Are Other Coffee Roasters Saying About This Book?

Testimonials from coffee roasters who read “Coffee Roasting Made Simple.”

“I can only wish that this new book on roasting by Raimond Feil would have been available when I started roasting. The best books are always the ones where a passionate personality meets experience, and this is certainly one of them.”

Johan Ekfeldt

Johan Ekfeldt​


“Great read so far and definitely a super Xmas gift for coffee lovers. Very well written, refreshingly uncomplicated, non-magisterial, thoroughly usable hands-on book that comes from the heart. Will recommend it to roaster cubs and fellow Loringists alike!”

Oliver Goetz

Oliver Goetz


This Book can really push beginners in the right direction as well as provide advanced roasters with new ideas and thoughts on roasting craft.”

Tomaš Nossek

Tomaš Nossek


This Roasting book is an ocean of information and I guess everyone who is interested in roasting has to read the book.

Mohamed Almahroos.

Mohamed Almahroos


Raimond Feil, Coffee Roasting Made Simple, Coffee Roasting Book

A Word From The Author -
Raimond Feil

Hey there, I’m Raimond!

My journey in the world of Specialty Coffee began back in 2004 when I first stepped into the industry as a waiter. However, it didn’t take long before I positioned myself as a barista. As my passion for coffee grew, I eagerly sought out literature on the subject, only to find a limited selection available at the time. Fuelled by my growing interest, coffee transformed from a mere job to a consuming hobby.

In 2005, an exciting opportunity knocked on my door, offering me the chance to step up my game. I took on the roles of a coffee roaster and barista trainer. This shift marked a significant turn in my coffee journey, shaping my understanding of the craft. Fast forward a few years, in 2014, I co-founded Rocket Bean Roastery. For the next two years, I dedicated myself to leading production and roasting, training the personnel, steering product development, and ensuring quality control.

My extensive 12-year voyage through the world of coffee and roasting allowed me to delve deeply into the intricate art of coffee roasting. When my time at Rocket Bean Roastery drew to a close in 2016, I realized I had gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience that I wanted to share and give away. This led me to write a book on the art of coffee roasting – “Coffee Roasting Made Simple.”

Simplifying the Complex Craft of Coffee Roasting

Why “Coffee Roasting Made Simple?” And can something so complicated as coffee roasting be simplified in the first place?

I’ve often encountered coffee-related books written in a sophisticated manner, employing scientific language that may overwhelm beginners. Imagine starting to learn about roasting while simultaneously needing to grasp an entirely new language.

I personally believe in simplicity. I appreciate it when someone can break down complex subjects into easy-to-understand language, similar to how you would explain things to someone 12 years old or younger. I’m not saying this book is meant for a child, but by focusing on practicality over sophistication, it’s easier to learn any new skill, including coffee roasting. So, in writing this coffee roasting book, my primary goal was the practicality and user-friendliness of the book. 

Sample Roasting. Roasting experiments. Coffee Roasting Process.

Look inside the Coffee Roasting Made Simple book:

Roasting process. Speciality Coffee. Coffee brewing. Coffee taste development. Raimond Feil. Coffee Roasting Made Simple.
Roast profiles. The first crack. Coffee roast machine. Coffee Roasting Made Simple. Raimond Feil.
What is considered Speciality coffee? What are the 4 types of coffee roast? What are the main roasting profiles? What is temperature profile coffee roasting? Coffee Roasting Made Simple, Coffee Roasting Book, Raimond Feil

Have you ever wondered about the ideal roasting temperature and time or why coffee beans are even roasted? Have you ever questioned about the first crack or the different stages of coffee roasting?

Find the answers to these common questions and more in my comprehensive coffee roasting book, offering in-depth explanations and practical insights.

Sample Roast. Roast Profiles. Roast Profile. Coffee Roasting Book. Raimond Feil.

From understanding roasting temperatures to the science behind the process, “Coffee Roasting Made Simple” delves into the intricacies of coffee roasting.

 Whether you’re curious about the bitterness of French roast or the flavor development in different roasts, this coffee roasting book provides you with a clear roadmap.

Coffee Roasting Machine. Coffee Roasting Book. Roast Profile. Coffee Roasting Made Simple. Raimond Feil.

Discover the nuances of professional roasting techniques, the impact of roasting speed, and the best practices for roasting. This book covers it all with practical tips on degassing, blending pre or post-roasting, and the optimal freshness duration after roasting.

Ready to master the perfect roast?
Learn what is behind exceptional roasts with precise steps and expert insights from “Coffee Roasting Made Simple.”

Read More Feedback From Fellow Coffee Roasters.

Testimonials from other roasters who got value from the “Coffee Roasting Made Simple” Book.

Loving this book. Raimond has packed this book full of thought-provoking material, making me take a step back and have another look at how I’m doing things.

Such a welcome addition to the collection of coffee literature.”

'Troy O'Rourke


“Reading Feil’s book reminds me of the practical, hands-on education one gets when they first start working under a veteran coffee roaster. In my estimation, it’s a valuable addition to the existing literature on coffee roasting. Veteran and aspiring roasters alike will benefit from reading this book.”

Michael Butterworth


The book is on fire! I really like your approach. I want that juiciness I’ve experienced here and there. And now that it is repeatable, it is exciting…
It’s been almost a year since I found your video on YouTube, and it has really changed my coffee career. I’ve been roasting tasty coffee ever since. It takes the guesswork out of everything, but I can still be creative with my approach and have a lot of fun.

Oke Atatah


I really enjoyed it! You have done a great job of putting together such a complicated topic in such a simple but full of important info way! I admire how exactly and mathematically you planned the roasting of all the coffees. There must be a lot of knowledge of all the variables behind, and this will be my next challenge: to plan the roast and being able to predict, and your book was really inspiring for this.”

Stefano Ciamarra


“I have read a lot about roasting… Raimond’s book is so easy to understand, and the results are very good.

Markus Badura

Table of Contents



Approach to roasting: Philosophy and the principle.

Your roasting philosophy determines how you do it and where you’ll end up.

The roasting philosophy.

It’s not about the numbers; it’s about the principles of nature.


Everything about production roasting.

Section 1

Profiles untangled

The roasting process

How do the first & second phase in general affect taste development?

Profiles & recipes

Section 2

Roasting for espresso

Uni-roast or was it omni-roast? How filter/espresso roasts differ

Blending for espresso

Classic approach—espresso as a different and darker roast

Alternatives to fine tune and modify the profiles


Everything about sample roasting

Profile sample roasting—the basics

The process of sample roasting

How to read the temperature gauge precisely

Sample roast profiles

Profile development


Transferring profiles

From sample roaster to production roaster

Swapping one production roaster for another


Quality control

Tasting and other ways to test, measure and control quality


Everything else that doesn’t fit Into the chapters above


Chew the roasted bean

Cup tasting tools and the rules we used in our lab

How to improve your tasting skills?

A clue that makes a difference to your coffee experience

What’s with the wood taste?


Why it’s a good idea to clean your machine properly, thoroughly and consistently

Three reasons why a coffee roaster may catch fire


Does your roaster really have the capacity the producers say it has?

Greens’ hopper and green coffee

Smell your coffee

Can you hear coffee cracking in a Loring Coffee Roaster and how to get the clean smell out of the Loring sample trier?

Cinnamon, Full City, Italian, etc.— What the heck is up with those?

Second crack

Should you use your 90 plus coffees to tune your new roaster?

Ideas on roasting experiments



Media Coverage

Gain invaluable insights into mastering the art of roasting removing guesswork while retaining the joy of experimentation.

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Coffee Roasting Made Simple E-book. Coffee Roasting E-book. Raimond Feil.
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